Actor and director Sergio Rubini , actresses Sonia Bergamasco and Vanessa Scalera : they will be the protagonists of the second edition of Attorstudio – Milazzo Film Festival and they will be awarded the Acting Awards, the specific prizes of the event. The organization of the eleventh edition of the Milazzo Film Festival, scheduled from March 6 to 9 at the Teatro Trifiletti in Milazzo, is now in full swing , the second thematically dedicated to actors, and artistic directors Caterina Taricano and Mario Sesti reveal the first names of the protagonists of the Milazzo event.
“I am very pleased to receive this award, not only because it is an acknowledgement of my work, but above all because the context in which this occurs is a festival that is finally interested in actors as a source of a creative process in which they are not just tools and functions of someone else,” says Sonia Bergamasco , the actress of many auteur films but also a supporting actress in fun comedies together with Zalone (Quo vado) and Paola Cortellesi (Come un gatto in tangenziale – Ritorno a Coccia di morto). Attorstudio will also present the documentary film on Eleonora Duse (Duse – the Greatest) by Bergamasco.
«Being awarded together with actors like Sergio Rubini and Sonia Bergamasco is really beautiful and important for me: Attorstudio – Milazzo Film Festival is an event dedicated to the profession of actors, perhaps the only one with such specific attention and this makes the award that was given to me even more significant for me» comments Vanessa Scalera , who became very well known as the protagonist of the Imma Tataranni series, completing an important career on stage and on the big screen.
“I am happy and proud of this award, there are so few moments when it is possible to talk, explore, and talk about the actor’s profession: I believe that from this point of view Attorstudio – Milazzo Film Festival is a precious opportunity”, says Sergio Rubini who recently obtained an extraordinary audience on RAI with his Il poeta dell’infinito, which recalled with an unprecedented and original gaze the life and figure of Giacomo Leopardi.
«After the success of the last edition, which enjoyed considerable media coverage and always saw the theatre full – say the two curators – we hope with this second edition to further focus on those aspects that determined its success: the staging of the passion for actors to be shared on a stage with the public, the relationship with local schools and the city public, the proposal of the competition of courses and a peculiar path of feature films».
There are 226 short films arriving from 33 countries on all continents , seventy-three more than last year. They will be selected to then be screened and awarded in the competition planned by the Festival.
Meanwhile, Attorstudio School is also taking shape . The section of the event aimed at middle and high school students in the city. A mini-course in film criticism that will start soon and will end during the days of the Milazzo Film Festival.
These are not the only new features, starting with the new logo and arriving at the section of the competition sponsored by Inail entitled “ The Dignity of Work ” and the institution of the new feature film competition dedicated to Attilio Liga. It is a competition that from year to year will be reserved for genres and thematic forms of cinema.